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Orator Apostolicus as Theoretician of War and

Novaković Darko 12 years ago - 29:56

Closing speech

Gábor Kecskeméti 12 years ago - 6:28

A Missed Encounter: Tranquillus Andronicus and

Lučin Bratislav 12 years ago - 19:47

Humanist Text in a Digital Age

Gábor Kecskeméti 12 years ago - 27:37

Exploring a Digital Collection of Neo-Latin

Jovanović Neven 12 years ago - 14:49

Presentation of the Book "Meetings between two

Damir Karbić
Pavličić Pavao
12 years ago - 28:33


Boras Damir 12 years ago - 5:59


Jovanović Neven 12 years ago - 4:18

Influence of Petrarch and modern devotion in the

Sándor Bene 12 years ago - 31:26

Metaforák és narratívák a Hitelben

József TAKÁTS 12 years ago - 27:36

Narrative literature and Reformation

Tüskés Gábor 12 years ago - 32:34

Hypotheka és hypothesis: valós és nem-valós a

Sándor HITES 12 years ago - 23:05