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The Letters Patent (Grant of Barony) Issued to Nicolaus Olahus (1558–1560)


The Letters Patent (Grant of Barony) Issued to Nicolaus Olahus (1558–1560)

Two letters patent were issued to Nicolaus Olahus by Habsburg Ferdinand I in his capacity as King of Hungary in the Hungarian Court Chancellery in Vienna in 1548 and 1558, respectively. The charters are kept today in the National Archives of  Hungary,  Budapest.  Both  works  are  of  primary  importance  in  the  art  of  the Renaissance in Hungary for their illuminations, and in the case of the second charter concerning its calligraphic decoration as well. In my paper I will examine the second letter patent issued in booklet form in 1558 and richly ornamented, as  well as signed and dated, by the calligrapher George Bocskay in 1560.

több kevesebb

International Conference on the 450th Anniversary of Nicolaus Olahus’ Death

Grafikai művészetek, Művészettörténet

Gulyás Borbála (előadó)


2018. január 15.

Dr. Anna Újváriné Tüskés

2018. január 23.

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